.. _gsoc-2024-projects: :far:`calendar-days` 2024 ########################## .. note:: Only 3 out of 4 :ref:`accepted students ` were able to complete the program in 2024. Enhanced Media Experience with AI-Powered Commercial Detection and Replacement ******************************************************************************** .. youtube:: Kagg8JycOfo :width: 100% | **Summary:** Leveraging the capabilities of BeagleBoard’s powerful processing units, the project will focus on creating a real-time, efficient solution that enhances media consumption experiences by seamlessly integrating custom audio streams during commercial breaks. - Develop a neural network model: Combine Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to analyze video and audio data, accurately identifying commercial segments within video streams. - Implement a real-time pipeline: Create a real-time pipeline for BeagleBoard that utilizes the trained model to detect commercials in real-time and replace them with alternative content or obfuscate them, alongside replacing the audio with predefined streams. - Optimize for BeagleBoard: Ensure the entire system is optimized for real-time performance on BeagleBoard hardware, taking into account its unique computational capabilities and constraints. **Contributor:** Aryan Nanda **Mentors:** `Jason Kridner `_, `Deepak Khatri `_, Kumar Abhishek .. grid:: 2 2 2 2 .. grid-item:: .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2024/projects/UOX7iDEU :color: info :shadow: :expand: :fab:`google;pst-color-light` - GSoC Registry .. grid-item:: .. button-ref:: gsoc-2024-proposal-aryan-nanda :color: primary :shadow: :expand: Proposal Low-latency I/O RISC-V CPU core in FPGA fabric ************************************************ .. youtube:: ic0RRK6d3hg :width: 100% | **Summary:** Implementation of PRU subsystem on BeagleV-Fire’s FPGA fabric, resulting in a real-time microcontroller system working alongside the main CPU, providing low-latency access to I/O. **Contributor:** Atharva Kashalkar **Mentors:** `Cyril Jean `_, `Jason Kridner `_, Vedant Paranjape, Kumar Abhishek .. grid:: 2 2 2 2 .. grid-item:: .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2024/projects/KjUoFlg2 :color: info :shadow: :expand: :fab:`google;pst-color-light` - GSoC Registry .. grid-item:: .. button-ref:: gsoc-2024-proposal-roger18 :color: primary :shadow: :expand: Proposal Differentiable Logic for Interactive Systems and Generative Music - Ian Clester ******************************************************************************** .. youtube:: NvHxMCF8sAQ :width: 100% | **Summary:** Developing an embedded machine learning system on BeagleBoard that leverages Differentiable Logic (DiffLogic) for real-time interactive music creation and environment sensing. The system will enable on-device learning, fine-tuning, and efficient processing for applications in new interfaces for musical expression. **Contributor:** Ian Clester **Mentors:** `Jack Armitage `_, Chris Kiefer .. grid:: 2 2 2 2 .. grid-item:: .. button-link:: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/archive/2024/projects/FBk0MM8g :color: info :shadow: :expand: :fab:`google;pst-color-light` - GSoC Registry .. grid-item:: .. button-ref:: gsoc-2024-proposal-ijc :color: primary :shadow: :expand: Proposal